How to Prove Your Work Injury? : 3 Things You Need to Know
Security footage can help show that an injury happened at work. If you get work injury and the incident was caught on security footage, this can be used as proof to support your claim.
Workers’ Comp Claims: What Are The Dangers Of Not Reporting A Workplace Injury?
Employees often think of workers’ compensation claims as a hassle, but the risks of not reporting an injury at work can be much more significant.
Temporary Disability: Top 5 things You Must Know Before You File A Claim
Temporary Disability Claim forms get filled out when someone is sick or hurt and can’t work. Most of the time, the claim is about sickness or injury at work.
Acute Inhalation Injury Settlement for Work Accidents?
You may be eligible for compensation payments. This article will walk you through filing a claim for an acute inhalation injury.
Occupational Injury: What You Need To Know About Hearing Loss Caused By Noise?
Noise-induced hearing loss is the used to define hearing loss caused by loud noises. It is one of America’s most frequent work-related ailment
The Top 5 Tactics Insurance Companies Use To Delay Paying Workers’ Compensation Claims.
Insurance companies routinely try to delay or deny claims, often using legal but infuriating techniques for workers who rely on the money to get by.
Medical Care Limits: Why you may not be covered for your work Foot Injury?
Work-associated foot accidents have become more and more common in the United States. The Injuries to the foot account for ¼ of all work-place accidents.
Why are Californian workers more likely to die in Construction Accidents?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), California has a higher fatality rate in construction accidents than any other state.
Can you file a Workers’ Comp Claim if you have a pre-existing injury?
The majority of pre-existing injuries are not the result of a single or specific incident. Rather the culmination of many events that have occurred over some time.
Denied Workers’ Comp Claim: Here’s what you need to do next?
If you have been injured on the job and have filed a workers’ compensation claim, and your claim is denied, then you have some important decisions to make.