Burn injuries are common in the workplace, but they are preventable.
Burns are the third most common type of injury that workers get at the workplace. Burn injuries are preventable. ABA estimates that approximately 2 million people suffer from burns which require medical treatment or time off from work every year.
Burns are serious. They can cause tissue damage and even death if not treated properly. Hence, it becomes crucial to prevent them in a work environment. They pose problems not only for the employee but the employer as well.
In the U. S, millions of workers suffer injuries every year while doing their jobs. Many of these injuries are preventable with appropriate safety equipment and training.
Prevention is the key to reducing the incidence of burn injuries. You can do this by taking steps such as providing protective clothing to minimize exposure to heat sources and training staff in hazard recognition and safe work practices. Under the OSHA law, the duty of preventing workplace injuries falls upon the employers.
Classification of Burns
- a) Thermal Burns :
Burns caused by heat are known as thermal burns. The most common causes of thermal burns (at the workplace) are hot liquids, objects, open flames and explosions.
Prevention of thermal burns is as easy as exercising proper precautions such as: wearing Personal Protective Equipment and following fire prevention tactics.
- b) Chemical Burns :
Strong acids, alkaloids or corrosive materials at work are the main causes of Chemical Burn. These types of burns eat away the skin and even deeper tissues.
The best way to prevent chemical burns is to provide proper Hazard Communication training. In case of potential hazards, symbols such as color codes, posters, signs or labels should be used to warn the employees. Employees must recognize these hazard communication symbols. Therefore, regular training regarding the HCP is also mandatory. If your workplace deals with dangerous chemicals, the employer must deduce a written Hazard Prevention Plan.
The Requirements of a Hazard Communication Plan can be found here.
- c) Electrical Burns
Electrical burns occur when the skin comes in contact with a high-voltage current. When you suffer from an electrical burn, the current travels through your tissues and results in heat burn.
To avoid electrical burns at the workplace proper precautions should be taken – while operating electrical sources and machinery. The areas, which function under high voltage, should be marked appropriately. The workers should be informed and educated to avoid live wires and water bodies. Further, PPE should be available at all times.
- d) Sun Exposure Burns
Sun Exposure Burns technically are thermal burns. However, their popularity is worthy of a special mention. Prolonged exposure to harsh and direct sunlight can cause minor injuries.
Hence, to prevent these burns from sun exposure, the employees who work under the sun should be educated to exercise proper sun safety practices like wearing sun-protective work clothing, hats and sunscreen.
If you or your loved one suffers from a burn injury, we would advise first receiving proper medical care and then contacting an experienced Burn Injury Attorney in your area.
Burn injuries can be overwhelming and complicated. The professionals at Pistiolas law help you with all the headache inducing legal matter so you can focus on your recovery.. Contact experienced Work Injury Lawyers from Pistiolas Law to represent you and your claim.
Call (844) 414-1768 to book a free evaluation.